The requirement to be able to join or create a Team is to be 15 levels in the game. 

There are two ways how to join or preview each Team. You can find and join the Team by interacting with it in the Teams menu or in the Leaderboards menu.

Click the Teams menu (a hatted person icon) or click the Leaderboard (trophy)

You can join through the Teams menu or look for a Team in the Leaderboards. What is even more incredible, now you can click on the top player, view the Team they are in, and maybe even join them! 


In the Teams menu, you should see three tabs:

Teams - a place to browse and look for the team that suits your need.

Create - space for Teams creation, you can set up requirements here

Search - maybe a friend gave you the name of their Team, you can find it here 


Create a Team

Name - choose a non-offensive name for your Team.

Badge - select one out of 20 Badges to represent the Team.

Description - in the Description space, you can some a nice welcoming message or reason why you would like to start a Team. You’re free to design your description!

Type - shows if your Team is closed or open. Open means that you welcome all players. Close indicates that you would like to review players’ profiles that would like to join your ranks. You can then accept or deny them.

Required level - set a Required level - remember that you need to be level 50 yourself before doing so!

Create - hit Create, pay 500 coins, and enjoy your brand-new Team!